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Changing the Game of LCAs: Demo Product Sustainability Platform & Future Roadmap

Webinar, 5th of December 2023, 5:00 PM CET / 10 AM CST

Sebastian Schulze, Nico Lauter and Daniel Bochnitschek invite to a demo webinar of AllocNow's Product Sustainability Platform.

Discover the future of sustainability accounting within an exclusive webinar centered around scalable Lifecyle Assessments (LCA) with AllocNow's Product Sustainability Platform.

Our software is specifically engineered to automate the calculation of sustainability metrics such as product carbon footprints (PCF) and other LCA impacts, for each individual intermediate and final material within complex value chains.

Distinguished speakers, such as Sebastian Schulze - Managing Director, Nico Lauter - Head of Product and Daniel Bochnitschek - Managing Director, will lead this informative session, unveiling game-changing technology to automate LCAs that promise unmatched levels of consistency, efficiency, and reliability.

The webinar aims to spotlight current advancements while offering a preview of revolutionary features planned for the upcoming year.


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